Educate a Student for a Year


Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty…but for many families, educational opportunities are often times an unaffordable luxury.

Our goal is to support Nepalese families and help keep their children in school. Through annual scholarship awards and access to books and uniforms, children who may not have had the chance to attend school, now have an equal opportunity to succeed.

In Nepal, it costs between $160-$300 to send an elementary aged child to school for the year. High School can range anywhere from $400-$800 for the year. It may not sound like much, but when many families live below the poverty line, tuition assistance makes it possible for them to receive an education.

If you are interested in supporting a child’s education, please email us via our contact page with any questions or simply donate today!


Books and Uniforms

When children have the same uniform attire as their classmates, they have a stronger sense of belonging.  When they have their own school books to take home to study, it gives them a better chance at doing well in school. 

As we come across students who don't have the necessary uniforms or school supplies, we happily provide these if it is too much of a financial burden for the families.
