A Wintry Update!

Winter in Wisconsin can sometimes be a drag...but not this year. We've been busy little bees ...here's what we've been up to!

At the end of January, Milwaukee's Newest Artisans participated in the two day Craft and Relic Market held at the Milwaukee County Sports Complex. It was one of the coldest weekends of the year, but people still came out to support them and for that we are grateful. They sold 62 baskets and earned $1101...which made it worth almost getting frostbite!

Also very grateful for our new, donated banner!

Also very grateful for our new, donated banner!

Not only that, we have seven new artisans who have joined the group and started crocheting! Not to mention, one of them includes our youngest member at the age of 10 years old. So far she's learned everything she knows from her grandma and has already sold 3 baskets!

To celebrate Black History Month, Milwaukee's Newest Artisans were invited to Franklin High School for their Black History Celebration. It was an inspiring night with great food, music, and a lot of support. The women sold 12 baskets, 1 mat, and earned $241 in just two hours!


Switching gears a little bit, our 2nd Annual Pub Crawl for Nepal was held during the week of Milwaukee's Polar Vortex! This year we had 33 participants - more than double the amount of people from last year! We had great support from Sugar Maple, Tonic Tavern, and The Highbury and raised $678! All donations will support the children we work with in Nepal. Thank you so much to everyone who came to hang out and show your support. We appreciate it more than you know! :)

Who doesn't love a good ole pub crawl?!

Who doesn't love a good ole pub crawl?!

Believe it or not, spring is right around the corner....Stay tuned for our 1st Annual March Madness Bracket Pool coming soon!  All proceeds will support our work in Nepal. 

Shannon Robak